Translating Classical Buddhism to Modern English

List of Published Translations

Below is a list of all the translations published so far here at Dharma Pearls, organized along the lines of the Taisho Daizokyo. The project overview that was previously found at this URL has moved to a new location.

The Āgamas

This division of the Taisho contains the four Chinese Āgama collections grouped together with numerous other individual sūtras that were identified as parallels. This division contains 151 texts.

Dīrgha Āgama

Madhyama Āgama

Saṃyukta Āgama

Ekottarika Āgama

The Avadānas

This division of the Taisho collects together Chinese translations of Buddhist lore and storytelling texts traditionally called avadānas and jātakas. The material generally revolves around stories about the life and past lives of the Buddha and his disciples. Verse collections like the Dharmapāda are also included in this collection. There is a total of 68 texts, many of which are large collections of individual stories.

Other Sūtras

Sūtras that didn’t fall into one of the first eight divisions of sūtra translations were collected together into this miscellaneous division. Some of these texts are actually āgama sūtras that weren’t recognized at the time by the Taisho editors. One of the more significant of these parallels is Xuanzang’s translation of an entire itivṛttaka collection (T765 in the list below). There are 423 texts in this division.