The Related Discourses
1. The Aggregates
(五六) 漏、無漏法 | 168 (56). Being Contaminated and Uncontaminated |
如是我聞: 一時,佛住波羅㮈國、仙人住處、鹿野苑中。 | 1. Thus I have heard:1 One time, the Buddha was staying at the Residence of Sages in the Deer Preserve of Bārāṇasī. |
爾時,世尊告諸比丘: 「我今當說有漏、無漏法。 若色有漏、是取,彼色能生愛、恚。 如是,受⋯想⋯行⋯識有漏、是取,彼識能生愛、恚。 是名有漏法。 | 2. It was then that the Bhagavān addressed the monks, “I will now explain being contaminated and uncontaminated. When form is contaminated and grasped, that form can produce love and hate. In this way, when feeling … conception … volition … awareness is contaminated and grasped, that awareness can produce love and hate. This is being contaminated. |
「云何無漏法? 諸所有色無漏、非受,彼色若過去、未來、現在,彼色不生愛、恚。 如是受⋯想⋯行⋯識,無漏、非受,彼識若過去、未來、現在,不生貪、恚。 是名無漏法。」 | 3. “What is being uncontaminated? Whatever forms there are that aren’t contaminated or acquired, they don’t produce love or hate, whether they are past, future, or present. In this way, feelings … conceptions … volitions … instances of awareness that aren’t contaminated or acquired don’t produce love or hate,2 whether they are past, future, or present. This is called being uncontaminated.” |
佛說此經已,諸比丘聞佛所說歡喜,奉行。 | 4. After he spoke this sūtra, the monks who heard what the Buddha taught rejoiced and approved. |
Summary Verse | |
This is sūtra no. 56 in the Taisho edition and no. 168 in Yinshun (T99.2.13b24-c6). There does not appear to be a parallel for this sūtra, which offers an alternative definition of the acquired aggregates in the previous sūtra. [back]
love or hate. C. 貪、恚. I’ve amended 貪 to 愛 in my translation, as I think it must be a copyist error, given that the previous three passages read 愛、恚. [back]
Translator: Charles Patton
Last Revised: 27 January 2025
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