Translating Classical Buddhism to Modern English

The Related Discourses

1. The Aggregates

(一六) 增諸數 22 (16). Increasing Numbers
如是我聞: 一時,佛住舍衞國、祇樹、給孤獨園。 1. Thus I have heard:1 One time, the Buddha was staying at Anāthapiṇḍada’s Park in Jeta’s Grove of Śrāvastī.
爾時,有異比丘來詣佛所⋯所問如上⋯ 2. It was then that a certain monk came to the Buddha. [He bowed his head at the Buddha’s feet, and withdrew to stand to one side. He then said, “It’d be good, Bhagavān, if you would briefly explain the Dharma for me now. After hearing the Dharma, I’ll go alone to a quiet place and cultivate it earnestly. After cultivating it earnestly, I’ll again contemplate: ‘A good son leaves home, cuts off his hair and beard, puts on the Dharma robes, believes at home in being homeless, and leaves home to train on the path. That’s the way he reaches the ultimate and unsurpassed religious life. He’ll realize in the present life: “My births have been ended, the religious life has been established, and the task has been accomplished. I myself know that I won’t be subject to a later existence.”’”]2
3. [The Bhagavān told that monk, “Good, good! Monk, I’m glad you’ve said, ‘Bhagavān, give me a brief explanation of the Dharma. From that brief explanation of the Dharma, I will get a full understanding of its meaning. I’ll go alone to a quiet place, focus on contemplation, and live earnestly … up to … “‘I myself know that I won’t be subject to a later existence.’”’ Is this what you said?”]
[The monk said to the Buddha, “Yes, Bhagavān.”]
差別者:「隨使使隨使死者,則增諸數。 若不隨使使不隨使死者,則不增諸數。」 4. [The Buddha told the monk, “Listen closely! Listen closely, and consider it well. I will explain this for you. Monk,] if something brings about the tendencies and brings about death, then it increases in number. Monk, if it doesn’t bring about the tendencies or bring about death, then it doesn’t increase in number.”
[The monk said to the Buddha, “I’ve understood, Bhagavān! I’ve understood, Sugata!”]
佛告比丘: 「汝云何於我略説法中。廣解其義?」 5. The Buddha asked the monk, “How do you understand the meaning of my brief explanation of the Dharma in full?”
時,彼比丘白佛言: 「世尊,若色隨使使,隨使死。 隨使使隨使死者,則増諸數。 如是,受⋯想⋯行⋯識隨使使,隨使死。 隨使使隨使死者,則増諸數。 6. That monk then said to the Buddha, “Bhagavān, suppose form brings about the tendencies and brings about death. Something that brings about the tendencies and brings about death increases in number. Thus, suppose feeling … conception … volition … awareness brings about the tendencies and brings about death. Something that brings about the tendencies and brings about death increases in number.
「世尊,若色不隨使使,不隨使死。 不隨使使不隨使死者,則不増諸數。 如是,受⋯想⋯行⋯識不隨使使,不隨使死。 不隨使使不隨使死者,則不増諸數。 如是,世尊,我於略説法中廣解其義。」 7. “Bhagavān, suppose form doesn’t bring about the tendencies and doesn’t bring about death. Something that doesn’t bring about the tendencies or bring about death doesn’t increase in number. Thus, suppose feeling … conception … volition … awareness doesn’t bring about the tendencies and doesn’t bring about death. Something that doesn’t bring about the tendencies or bring about death doesn’t increase in number. I understand the Bhagavān’s brief explanation of the Dharma in this way.”
如是⋯乃至⋯ 8. [The Buddha told the monk, “Good! It’s good, monk, that you understand the meaning of my brief explanation of the Dharma in full. Why is that? Suppose form brings about the tendencies and brings about death. Something that brings about the tendencies and brings about death increases in number. Thus, suppose feeling … conception … volition … awareness brings about the tendencies and brings about death. Something that brings about the tendencies and brings about death increases in number.]
9. [“Suppose form doesn’t bring about the tendencies and doesn’t bring about death. Something that doesn’t bring about the tendencies or bring about death doesn’t increase in number. Thus, suppose feeling … conception … volition … awareness doesn’t bring about the tendencies and doesn’t bring about death. Something that doesn’t bring about the tendencies or bring about death doesn’t increase in number.”]
10. [When that monk heard what the Buddha taught, he felt great joy. He bowed to the Buddha and withdrew. He went alone to a quiet place where he diligently trained and lived earnestly. After diligently training and living earnestly, he thought, “A good son leaves home, cuts off his hair and beard, puts on the Dharma robes, believes at home in being homeless, and leaves home … up to … ‘I myself know that I won’t be subject to a later existence.’”]
⋯得阿羅漢,心得解脱。 11. [That monk then] became an arhat, and his mind was liberated.


  1. This is sūtra no. 16 in the Taisho edition and no. 22 in Yinshun (T99.2.3b14-27). It corresponds to SN 22.36 and is similar to SN 22.35. Aside from being largely abbreviated by the C. translator, the only difference between this sūtra and the previous one is that it substitutes “increasing in number” for “bound by grasping.” See the notes to SĀ 1.21 for more discussion of these parallels. [back]
  2. A large portion of this sūtra was omitted as identical to SĀ 1.21. The passages in brackets have been reconstituted following the Chinese translator’s abbreviation notes. [back]

Translator: Charles Patton

Last Revised: 24 February 2024