The Numerical Discourses
Chapter 15: Existence and Inexistence
(四) 二業 | 4. Two Kinds of Work |
聞如是: 一時,佛在舍衞國、祇樹、給孤獨園。 | 1. Thus I have heard:1 One time, the Buddha was staying at Anāthapiṇḍada’s Park in Jeta’s Grove of Śrāvastī. |
爾時,世尊告諸比丘: 「有此二業。 云何為二業? 有法業、有財業。 業中之上者不過法業。 | 2. It was then that the Bhagavān addressed the monks, “There are two kinds of work.2 What are the two? They are Dharma work and material work. Monks, the best kind of work doesn’t go beyond the Dharma work. |
「是故,諸比丘,當學法業不學財業。 如是,諸比丘,當作是學。」 | 3. “Therefore, monks, you should always train in Dharma work and not in material work. Thus, monks, you should train yourselves.” |
爾時,諸比丘聞佛所説歡喜,奉行。 | 4. When the monks heard what the Buddha taught, they rejoiced and approved. |
For the source text, cf. T125.2.577b20-5. [back]
two kinds of work. C. 二業. C. 業 could be read as “deeds,” but it seems awkward in this context. [back]
Translator: Charles Patton
Last Revised: 30 August 2023
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