Translating Classical Buddhism to Modern English

The Numerical Discourses

Chapter 13: Profit

(六) 善業 6. Good Deeds
聞如是: 一時,佛在羅閲城、耆闍崛山中。 與大比丘五百人倶。 1. Thus I have heard:1 One time, the Buddha was staying on Mount Gṛdhrakūṭa near Rājagṛha. He was accompanied by a great assembly of five hundred monks.
爾時,釋提桓因,日時已過向暮,便往至世尊所。 頭面禮足,在一面坐。 爾時,釋提桓因即以偈頌問如來義: 2. One day, Śakra the Lord of Gods2 visited the Bhagavān after nightfall. He bowed his head at the Buddha’s feet and then stood to one side. Śakra then asked about the Tathāgata’s teaching in verse:
  • 「能説能宣布,
  • “Could you say, could you explain in detail,
    How to cross the flood and be uncontaminated,
    How to cross the sea of mortality?
    I now ask Gautama about this subject.
  • 我觀此眾生
  • I’ve observed these sentient beings here
    And their performance of blessed deeds.
    Of the many kinds of practitioners,
    A gift to whom is a blessing most honored?
  • 尊今靈鷲山:
  • To the sage who’s here now on Vulture’s Peak:
    Please give me a teaching on this subject,
    So I’ll know the gist of the Śākyan’s thought
    And get an explanation on giving.”
  • 「四趣造福無,
  • “The four who make merit for cessation,3
    And the four who’ve fully achieved the fruits.
    It’s the trainees and realizers of the path
    Who ought to be believed, their Dharma served.
  • 無欲亦無恚,
  • When someone lacks any desire or anger,
    Their foolishness and contamination ends.
    Those who completely cross the whole ocean,
    Giving to them achieves a great reward.
  • 諸此眾生類
  • These are the classes of sentient beings
    Who do virtuous deeds that make merit.
    Of the many kinds of practitioners,
    Giving to the Saṅgha obtains much merit.
  • 此眾度無量
  • The assemblies are broad and measureless
    Like the treasures that come from the ocean.
    The noble assemblies are just the same,
    For they explain the wise Dharma of light.”
  • 「瞿曇彼善處
  • Kauśika,4 a good place is
    Where one can give to the Saṅgha.
    They’ll obtain merits inestimable,
    For their teaching is the Supreme Victor’s.”
爾時,釋提桓因聞佛所説已,即禮佛足,便於彼退而去。 爾時,釋提桓因聞佛所説歡喜,奉行。 4. Once Śakra the Lord of Gods heard what the Buddha taught, he bowed at the Buddha’s feet, withdrew from him, and departed. When Śakra the Lord of Gods heard what the Buddha taught, he rejoiced and approved.


  1. For the source text, cf. T125.2.575a5-28. This sūtra is parallel with SN 11.16, SĀ 19.21-22, and T100.52. [back]

  2. Śakra the Lord of Gods. C. 釋提桓因 (EMC. ʃɪɛk-dei-ɦuan-•iĕn = G. śak[ra]-devan[aṃ]-iṃ[dra] = S. śakro-devānām-indrah). This was a well-known abbreviated translit. for Śakra’s full title as the Lord of Gods. The -v- in deva was pronounced as a -w-. [back]

  3. cessation. Here, 無 appears to be a verb meaning “to become inexistent,” which I take to refer to nirvāṇa. I’ve translated it more literally as “cessation.” [back]

  4. Kauśika. C. 拘翼 (EMC. kɪu-yiək). G. koyig[a] > G. kośiga? > S. kauśika. The derivation of what the C. transliterates is unclear to me since it’s not typical that -ś- becomes -y- in G. sources, but it appears to be the case here.

    I’ve followed the alternate reading, which makes this last stanza the Buddha’s conclusion. The Taisho reads 瞿曇 (“Gautama”) instead, which would make it Śakra addressing the Buddha. [back]

Translator: Charles Patton

Last Revised: 25 July 2023